July 3, 2024

Big Data refers to massive and complex data sets that are generated at high speed and require specific tools for storage, analysis and visualisation. Big data offers companies the opportunity to gain valuable insights into their customers, markets, processes and competitors, enabling them to make better decisions and improve their competitiveness.

However, big data also poses a number of challenges, such as privacy protection, data quality, integration of heterogeneous sources and interpretation of results. This is where artificial intelligence (AI) comes in, which is defined as the ability of machines to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning and creativity.

AI applied to big data provides the following benefits:

- Deviation detection: AI can analyse data provided by big data to detect unusual occurrences in it, such as anomalies, fraud or errors.

- Traceability: it can record and track the digital footprint of the data, allowing to know its origin, evolution and impact.

- Personalisation: it can use data to tailor products, services and content to the preferences and needs of each customer.

- Prediction: AI can use data to anticipate future scenarios, such as trends, demands or risks.

In conclusion, artificial intelligence helps to process big data more efficiently, allowing useful and actionable knowledge to be extracted quickly, accurately and securely.