We offer a wide range of cloud computing services to help businesses of all sizes make the most of the benefits of the cloud.
In an increasingly competitive world, technology is an indispensable tool for any company that seeks to grow and excel.
At Ancient, we are committed to helping our clients achieve their business objectives through the use of cutting-edge technology and cloud computing solutions.
Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business grow and prosper.
Cloud solutions allow you to quickly scale infrastructure and computing resources without the need to purchase and configure new physical equipment.
The cloud allows access to data and applications from anywhere with an Internet connection, meaning that employees can work from anywhere and at any time.
Cloud solutions can be more cost-effective than buying and maintaining hardware and software. In addition, companies can pay only for the resources they use and expand them according to their needs, thus reducing overall IT costs. We can help you spend less by optimizing cloud usage.
Facilitamos una transición fluida mediante la consultoría de migración a la nube. Desde la evaluación hasta la implementación, garantizamos una migración sin problemas.
Accede a aplicaciones robustas en la nube. Utilizando las últimas tecnologías y modernos enfoques de desarrollo en la nube, creamos soluciones a medida que se adaptan perfectamente a tus necesidades.
Explora un ecosistema versátil y seguro en nuestra plataforma en la nube. Desarrolla y gestiona aplicaciones fácilmente con recursos escalables y herramientas avanzadas.
Diseñamos una estructura de nube en la que los recursos se integran y comparten a través de una red para reducir los costes operativos de TI y lograr un acceso más eficiente a los datos y las soluciones digitales. También ofrecemos gestión de infraestructuras en la nube.
Deja la gestión técnica en manos de los expertos. Nuestros servicios gestionados en la nube optimizan y mantienen sus sistemas para que puedas centrarte en hacer crecer tu negocio.
Creamos soluciones de software como servicio (SaaS) dirigidas a empresas que pretenden sustituir progresivamente el software instalado en sus sistemas, migrar sus operaciones a la nube y beneficiarse de servicios funcionales integrales accesibles en todo momento, los siete días de la semana, a través de una conexión a Internet.
The cloud adoption strategy defines the context in which IT infrastructure is developed based on the ownership, availability, size and purpose of the cloud. We collaborate with companies to determine the type of cloud that best fits their particular business needs and regulatory guidelines.
Ancient is a comprehensive provider that covers all aspects of cloud application development: consulting to assess the current business situation and design a cloud deployment strategy, creating and testing solutions, protecting cloud applications, integrating with other cloud and local applications, managing cloud application infrastructure to optimize your current use of the cloud.
Utilizamos el potencial del Internet de las cosas (IoT) y los recursos de procesamiento en la nube para crear beneficios adicionales para los usuarios de su plataforma en la nube.
Ancient ayuda a las empresas a explorar el potencial de la computación en nube para almacenar grandes volúmenes de información mediante la escalabilidad y el procesamiento rápido. Con nuestras opciones en la nube, los datos voluminosos se vuelven asequibles, ampliables y seguros.
Cloud software development is the process of developing applications that work online. These applications use Internet servers, not local computers. They store data and manage tasks in the cloud, allowing users to access them from anywhere with the Internet. These software solutions can be for internal purposes or generate revenue by selling software as a service. This is the whole model of SaaS tools, which are software applications available through the cloud.
At Ancient, we offer cloud application development services as well as SaaS development so you can effortlessly develop cloud applications for any use case.
The following are the main types of cloud applications:
- IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)
- PaaS (Platform as a Service)
- SaaS (software as a service)
- DBaaS (Database as a Service)
The move to the cloud reduces hardware costs. You pay only for what you use, reducing equipment and maintenance costs.
With no hardware required, expanding operations is as easy as changing the plans of the chosen platform. You can easily add or reduce resources.
Cloud computing offers integrated backup solutions. Protect data from loss or damage. Recovery is fast and reliable, ensuring business continuity.
Cloud computing providers use powerful, up-to-date systems that ensure efficient, high-speed performance. Users quickly access applications and data.
Cloud services improve teamwork by allowing multiple users to work on the same files. Collaboration is in real time, from anywhere with Internet access.
Cloud service providers invest heavily in security measures. They protect data from theft, breaches and attacks.
In general, cloud technology is secure. Providers use strong security measures, such as encryption, firewalls and access controls. They protect data from unauthorized access and threats. Regular security updates keep systems robust against new risks.We offer managed cloud security services and cloud security consulting to help you maintain secure operations and ensure that only the right people have access to your data.
Our certifications are a promise of excellence, ensuring each solution meets the highest standards of quality and innovation.