Achieving Success: The Salinas Group's GoBaz Project

At Ancient, we are proud of our ability to bring complex projects to fruition. One of our most outstanding achievements was our work on the Salinas Group's GoBaz project. As a delivery team, we play a crucial role in ensuring the success of the project.

Aspecto Detalles
Liderazgo de equipos Dirigió un equipo de más de 30 ingenieros que colaboraron a la perfección para gestionar las integraciones de productos.
Principales integraciones Funcionamiento de la red ACH, transferencias bancarias, ingresos en efectivo en comercios, CSC, etc.
Comunicación Garantizó una comunicación eficaz entre los requisitos técnicos y los objetivos empresariales.
Participación de las partes interesadas Colaboración activa con las partes interesadas, recopilación de requisitos e incorporación de sus comentarios.
Coordinación de proyectos Coordinó los esfuerzos con eficacia, contribuyendo a la finalización satisfactoria del proyecto a tiempo.
Resultado Puesta en marcha de un servicio de monedero y remesas sólido y fácil de usar en el ambicioso plazo de un año.

Our leadership was critical in guiding the team through the various technical challenges and ensuring that each integration was executed flawlessly. By building bridges between technical needs and business objectives, we ensured that all aspects of the project were aligned with the vision of Grupo Salinas.

Collaboration with stakeholders was a key element of our strategy. We collected detailed requirements, listened to feedback, and made the necessary adjustments to meet the changing needs of the project. This proactive approach ensured that all stakeholders were satisfied with the progress and the final result.

Thanks to our coordination and technical expertise, the GoBaz project was successfully completed within an ambitious one year. The result is a robust and easy-to-use wallet and remittance service that meets the needs of Grupo Salinas customers.

At Ancient, we are proud of our role in the GoBaz project and we hope to continue our tradition of offering our clients successful and high-impact projects.

Success Story
Joining connections: Powering the main Payment Approved interfaces
+12 collaborators
Node.js, Express, TypeScript, Vue
Success Story
Boosting Productivity: Improving Mattermost with Essential Applications
+20 collaborators
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